There are three categories of winners for this week's game: Random drawing, funniest answer, and favorite answer.
The total prize amount for the week is $1,000.
The cumulative number of submitters from the three winners' groups was 24, so each person takes home $41.67.
Random Drawing
The winner of the random drawing is Sarah H. of Bubble!
Sarah was one of eleven members of the Bubble group to submit a quiz this week.
All 11 players win a prize!
Funniest Wrong Answer
The funniest wrong answer belonged to Margaret L. of Miller Insurance Brokers.
The question was "1860 -- Abraham Lincoln earned the presidential nomination at the first major convention held in Chicago. 1860 was also the first census year that Chicago appeared in the top 10 most populous cities in the U.S. Guessing only a single city, name EITHER of the two Mississippi-hugging cities further west than Chicago that had a higher population in 1860."
And Margaret's answer was "East St. Louis"
Now why this is funny is a bit more nuanced than some of our other funny answers. So St. Louis, Missouri, the correct answer, sits on the West bank of the Mississippi River. Directly across the river is a city that's far less famous named East St. Louis, Illinois. People familiar with this part of the country know that these two places are very different from one another, and although they share a river and part of a name that they are just simply not the same thing.
Margaret was one of two members of the Miller Insurance Brokers group to submit a quiz this week.
All 2 players win a prize!
Favorite Answer
Our team's favorite answer came from Nutty of Kitkat Playroom.
The question was "1868 -- It was a big year for New Yorkers in Chicago. Schuyler Colfax earned the vice presidential nomination, and two swans from Central Park were the first animals at Chicago’s Lincoln Park Zoo. The zoo, which attracts 3 million visitors a year, has an agreement until 2049 to keep its admission at what very affordable rate?"
And Nutty's answer was "Free if you show up in an animal costume"
This correct answer is amazing. As you could probably surmise, the answer is in fact free. Therefore, it is also free if you show up in an animal costume. Being in the costume doesn't then require them to charge you admission. Ergo, we had no option but to mark Nutty's answer as correct and hope that they show up to the Lincoln Park Zoo in said costume.
Nutty was one of eleven members of the Kitkat Playroom group to submit a quiz this week.
All 11 players win a prize!