146 Animal Trivia Questions (Ranked From Easiest to Hardest)

Updated Date:
January 4, 2024
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Animal trivia questions are always fun.

They're especially enjoyable when you can stump your friends with some of the more difficult questions.

Okay, maybe that's a bit mean but, come on, it's all in good fun.

Here's a little warm-up question to get you started:

Question: What is the national animal of Scotland? You will not find it in any taxonomy charts.

Answer: Unicorn

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146 Animal Trivia Questions Ranked From Easiest to Hardest (Updated For 2024)

  1. While often confused with llamas, what breed of camelid is used for fleece production, while it's cousin the llama is not?

    Answer: Alpaca

  2. It might amuse your bouche, but theobromine is the main reason dogs shouldn't ingest what tasty dessert?

    Answer: Chocolate

  3. Formally adopted by the state government in 1911, what animal is prominently featured on the state flag of California?

    Answer: Bear

  4. You’ll find them in zoos around the world, but there’s only one place on Earth where hippopotamus roam naturally. Which continent would you have to travel to if you want to see a hippo in the wild?

    Answer: Africa

  5. What creature with an equine name has no teeth or stomach, mates for life, and is the only species on Earth where the male carries the unborn offpsring?

    Answer: Seahorse

  6. Spotted, striped and black are species belonging to which mammalian family? Members of this family, though dog-like in appearance, are more closely related to cats than dogs. In the Disney movie “The Lion King”, a character voiced by Whoopi Goldberg is a member of this family.

    Answer: Hyena

  7. A recent animal discovery in the Canadian Arctic is the Prizzly, a combination of what two bears? Hint: We're looking for TWO words here, both kinds of bear.

    Answer: Polar, Grizzly

  8. What is the three-letter name of the second-tallest (standing) bird on the planet? This animal is found only in Australia and is related to the ostrich.

    Answer: Emu

  9. A drey is the tree nest made by which nut-loving critter?

    Answer: Squirrel

  10. Name the species of bird that has a tongue so long it wraps around the back of their skull when not in use, protecting their brains while they tap into trees.

    Answer: Woodpecker

  11. What annoying insect gets its name from the Spanish word for "little fly?"

    Answer: Mosquito

  12. What four-letter word is often used as the common name for several kinds of bivalve molluscs? Typically, this word is only used when the mollusc is edible.

    Answer: Clam

  13. The Tasmanian masked owl's scientific name is Tyto novaehollandiae castanops. The "castanops" comes from its facial resemblance to what roasted holiday nut?

    Answer: Chestnut

  14. If they were allowed to compete at the Olympics they would win the 100m in under 7 seconds – what bird is the fastest running animal on two legs?

    Answer: Ostrich

  15. Diatoms, protozoans, and tiny crustaceans make up the collection of sea life on which many fish and whales feed, known as what P-word?

    Answer: Plankton

  16. Big hairy and greater fairy are larger species of what mammals whose name means "little armored ones"?

    Answer: Armadillos

  17. Turtles, toads, and tarantulas are all ectothermic animals, which is typically referred to by what more common term?

    Answer: Cold blooded

  18. The largest living lizard can't breathe fire but it does have a venomous bite that inhibits blood clotting. What creature is this?

    Answer: Komodo dragon

  19. Adult male gorillas are given what colorful nickname, due to the grey hair found on their hind torso?

    Answer: silverback

  20. Mr. Porter, Mr. Chestnut and Mr. Tribbiani would all not doubt know that a baby kangaroo or wallaby is known by what four-letter name?

    Answer: Joey

  21. The ______fish shares its name with a striped land animal and is studied for the amazing properties of its heart, which is regenerative and can mend itself quickly. What word fills in the blank?

    Answer: Zebrafish

  22. Sharing their name with a common cleaning tool, what is the more common name of the worlds most simple animals from the phylum Porifera?

    Answer: Sponges

  23. Which mammal with a name that starts with the same letter twice is one of the fastest diggers in the wild—they can make a 2-foot hole in about 15 seconds flat, which comes in handy if they’re trying to hide from a predator (lions) or find their favorite snack (insects).

    Answer: Aardvark

  24. Cockroachs, earwigs and moths all have the same number of legs - how many do each of them have?

    Answer: Six

  25. The last widely-accepted sighting of a certain bird species was in 1662 on the island nation of Mauritius. Intriguingly, due to the bird's remote home, the creature was considered mythological for a period of time. What is this bird?

    Answer: Dodo

  26. What kind of cat is a long-haired breed with a round face and a short muzzle? Contrary to its name, not all of them live in Iran.

    Answer: Persian

  27. Although the color differs drastically from its animalian namesake, the whitespot giant arum plant is nicknamed as the foot of what large animal?

    Answer: Elephant

  28. The Sumatran species of what famously horned mammal officially went extinct in Malaysia in November 2019? The animal is not yet extinct globally as a few dozen live in Indonesia.

    Answer: Rhino

  29. What baseball stadium in downtown San Diego is the current home of the San Diego Padres? It is a stadium alliteratively named for an animal supply company founded in 965 that owns PupBox.

    Answer: Petco Park

  30. What “A” marine animal is a predator of order Actinaria, who gets its name from the Earth flower it resembles with its brightly colored sticky exterior? It sits on the sea floor and captures unassuming prey.

    Answer: Anemone

  31. There are more than 3,400 distinct species of a certain type of insect. Most of them are considered "annual" but some of the species that gobble up more news headlines are "periodical" broods that are nearly exclusive to the United States. These emerge from underground as rarely as once every 17 years. What is this insect?

    Answer: Cicada

  32. Maybe they just don't know the words! At 2.4 inches long and weighing about 2g, zunzuncitos are the smallest birds on the planet - they are a member of which family of birds, the only ones who are able to fly backwards?

    Answer: Hummingbirds

  33. Long-nosed, screaming hairy, and pink fairy are species of what animal whose name comes from the Spanish for "little armored one?"

    Answer: Armadillo

  34. What isolated African nation has the highest rate of endemism (species found nowhere else) in the world? Tomato frogs and Giraffe weevils are two examples of animals endemic to the nation.

    Answer: Madagascar

  35. What fish with a comical name is always born male, and becomes female only when the dominant female has passed away?

    Answer: Clownfish

  36. The Culicidae family within the order Diptera is widely regarded as one of (if not) the most dangerous animals on earth, directly causing at least one million human deaths per year. By what common name is this family known?

    Answer: Mosquitoes

  37. Native to South America, the capybara is the largest extant member of which order of mammals? Approximately 40% of all mammal species belong to this order.

    Answer: Rodents

  38. Which breed of dog with distinctive coat markings and which originated as a hunting dog and carriage dog is named after a historic region of Croatia?

    Answer: Dalmatian

  39. How many fingers does a raccoon have on each front paw? The raccoon’s scavenging nature might get them this type of discount on your trash.

    Answer: Five

  40. Australia built a 3,000-mile-long fence during the 1880s just to block the movement of what baby-snatching species?

    Answer: Dingo

  41. Found mostly in Asia, the macaque is a type of what animal?

    Answer: Monkey

  42. New Zealand famously has the highest density of sheep per unit area in the world. What was the name of the sheep who was the first mammal cloned from an adult cell?

    Answer: Dolly

  43. What is the name for the carnivorous mammals in the subfamily Lutrinae that have slim bodies, relatively short limbs, powerful webbed feet, and seal-like abilities to hold breath underwater? They also have soft, insulated underfur and an outer layer of long guard hairs.

    Answer: Otters

  44. What animal appears on the national coat of arms of the West African nation Cote D’ lvoire (Ivory Coast)?

    Answer: Elephant

  45. What is the branch of zoology dedicated to the study of birds? This branch attracted public attention following the 2018 Netflix true-crime docu-series "The Staircase" in which a suspected murderer could have been exonerated for the death of his wife through a speculated "Owl Theory."

    Answer: Ornithology

  46. According to a popular theory, dinosaurs got wiped out by the Chicxulub crater impact in what back-half-of-the-alphabet Mexican peninsula?

    Answer: Yucatán

  47. About the same size as a domestic cat, the red panda goes by what other name? Hint: this compound word could also help you surf the web.

    Answer: Firefox

  48. In a specific genus of large cats, one of the four species is the Canadian variety, and the animal's name references a Latin word for light because of the creature's bright, luminescent eyes. What is this wild cat that feeds almost exclusively on snowshoe hares?

    Answer: Lynx

  49. What huge, endangered vulture is the national bird of Bolivia, Chile, Columbia, and Ecuador?

    Answer: (Andean) Condor

  50. The species Ramphastos sulfuratus is also known as the keel-billed, sulfur-breasted, or rainbow-billed species of what colorful Latin American bird?

    Answer: Toucan

  51. Next time you go see a movie, take some time to think about the binturong. This animal, sometimes known as the bearcat, has an interesting scent which is said to be reminiscent of what snack?

    Answer: Popcorn

  52. Owls are split into two families: The "true" owls and a group named for what man-made structure?

    Answer: Barn

  53. What “S” owl species lives in western North America, inside tree hollows? Scientific name Strix occidentalis, it looks like its covered in little dots of color.

    Answer: Spotted Owl

  54. It is likely that the first of these animals was the "Stellar" variety in which the male has a pronounced mane and is a fairly aggressive carnivore. This likely led to the misnomer for the creature. What is the name of these pinnipeds long foreflippers, the ability to walk on all fours, and a big chest and belly? They range from subarctic to tropical waters in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

    Answer: Sea lion

  55. What reptillian suborder of animals, often associated with the Australian outback, has no species living in New Zealand?

    Answer: crocodile

  56. What group of large hairy spiders is named after a town in Southern Italy, which also names the largest gulf in Italy?

    Answer: Tarantulas (named after the town of Taranto)

  57. What was the name of the first known intentional live capture of a healthy orca? Although she was the fourth live capture overall, the previous three (Wanda, Moby Doll and Namu) had been deemed "opportunistic" captures. This famous mammal was caught near Penn Cove, Puget Sound.

    Answer: Shamu

  58. What is the five-letter "T" animal with a name similar to the final training period before a long running race? These creatures are large, herbivorous mammals with a short, prehensile nose trunk. They are found in jungles and forests throughout South America, Central America, and Southeast Asia.

    Answer: Tapir

  59. What five-letter word is both the name of a Microsoft graphics editor and a breed of horse whose coat has a spotted pattern of dark and light colors?

    Answer: Paint

  60. Where did all of the following famous animals live? Bo & Sunny, Barney, and Socks.

    Answer: The White House

  61. Though their stinging tentacles aren't actually snakes, jellyfish are part of a subphylum named for what Gorgon?

    Answer: Medusa

  62. The "electric organ," unsurprisingly, creates an electric field that is used for navigation, communication, defense, mating and more. It's a very multifaceted organ. In what type of animal will you find this organ? We're looking for a common four-letter word that technically is a group of four classes of animals.

    Answer: Fish

  63. According to an urban legend, what type of animal caused the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 by knocking over a lantern?

    Answer: Cow

  64. What “F” term applies to a specialist who applies shoes to a horse’s hooves? The term is a derivation of the Latin word for “Iron”, applying to the construction of the horseshoes.

    Answer: Farrier

  65. The smallest known owl is only 5-6 inches tall and weighs less than two ounces. It has a name reminiscent of Middle Earth or Will Ferrell. What is this owl?

    Answer: Elf Owl

  66. "It’s Every Monkey for Themselves: A True Story of Sex, Love and Lies in the Jungle" is a memoir by what well-known Australian scientist about her time in Costa Rican jungles?

    Answer: Vanessa Woods

  67. Aside from marine mammals, what is the only kind of mammal native to New Zealand?

    Answer: Bats

  68. As with cattle, female crocodiles are called cows and male crocodiles are called what?

    Answer: Bulls

  69. Feeding predominantly on fish, the Gharial is a member or which order of large reptiles?

    Answer: Crocodilians

  70. While pet owners may assume their mousers are nocturnal, which animal is actually crepuscular—meaning they’re most active at dawn and dusk?

    Answer: Cats

  71. An apex predator due to its size, the Komodo dragon gets its name from an island in which country?

    Answer: Indonesia

  72. The name of which large rodent (the third largest kind of rodent after capybara and beaver) comes from the Latin words for "pig" and "quill"?

    Answer: Porcupine

  73. An emblem of the island nation to which it is endemic, which non-flying bird is unique in having external nostrils at the tip of its beak?

    Answer: Kiwi

  74. Which deepwater aquatic animal found over 600 meters below sea level, named for its gelatinous appearance when pulled to the surface, was first discovered off New Zealand in 2003? Often the bycatch of bottom-trawling fishing, there are estimated to be fewer than 450 specimens left in the wild.

    Answer: Blobfish

  75. Due to the genes they inherit, around 80% of cats with pure white fur and what color eyes are born deaf?

    Answer: Blue

  76. Though poisonous to most other mammals, a koala's diet primarily consists of leaves from what tree in the myrtle family?

    Answer: Eucalyptus

  77. When you hear “milk” you might think “cow” or maybe “goat,” but which mammal (the largest in North America) actually produces even more nutrient-dense milk? (Hint: They’re commonly called “buffalo” but their name is a different B word. Also, they’re kinda tough—so don’t try to milk one!)

    Answer: Bison

  78. In 2022, scientists discovered that females of at least nine species of which reptile have a particularly pleasurable organ that’s actually shaped a little like a heart (bonus fact: it’s called the hemiclitoris)?

    Answer: Snakes

  79. In the early 1900s, there was a campaign to bring which animals to America from Africa and let them live in the Louisiana bayous to be raised for meat? (Hint: The NYT was into the idea, referring to the creatures as “lake cow bacon”)

    Answer: Hippos

  80. Known for their pale skin, buck teeth, and near hairlessness, what strange-looking rodents can live for up to 18 minutes without oxygen?

    Answer: Naked mole rats

  81. Killing what type of bird, some species of which have wingspans over 10 feet wide, is very bad luck in maritime tradition, as they are said to carry the souls of dead sailors?

    Answer: Albatross

  82. Lepidopterology is the branch of biology dedicated to the study of what winged creatures?

    Answer: Moths and butterflies

  83. There are four species of monkey native to Costa Rica: the Central American squirrel monkey, the Panamanian white-faced capuchin, the mantled howler and Geoffroy's ______ monkey. What word fills in the blank? This word is actually a name for a different animal entirely.

    Answer: Spider

  84. What Asian country – whose national flag features a blue 24-spoke Ashoka Chakra wheel in its center – is the world’s largest producer of milk?

    Answer: India

  85. The largest eyes of any animal on Earth are nearly 11 inches across, with lenses the size of oranges. That means the eyes are approximately the size of soccer balls. These eyes give "binocular-like" vision to the "colossal" variety of what sea-dweller?

    Answer: Squid

  86. Contrary to its consolatory name, what species of lethargic shark is responsible for the fourth most human bites on record?

    Answer: Nurse Shark

  87. Native to Turkey and Iran, the mouflon is a wild form of which domesticated animal?

    Answer: Sheep

  88. Roquefort is a French blue cheese made from the milk of what animal?

    Answer: Sheep

  89. The bony-eared assfish (yes, that’s its real name!) has the lowest brain-to-______ ratio of any vertebrate.

    Answer: Body

  90. In a feat of inter-species biotechnology, researchers at the University of Wyoming were able to insert the silk-producing gene from spiders into what mammal which enabled them to harvest long strands of spider milk from the animal's milk?

    Answer: Goats

  91. One of the official state symbols of Washington, what species is the largest member of dolphin family?

    Answer: Orca (Killer Whale)

  92. A commonly-sought fish in Minnesota is the "Muskellunge" which is often deemed the "ugly" variety of what family of fish? This family is distinguished by its torpedo-like form and sharp teeth.

    Answer: Pike

  93. The word "loggerhead" is applied due to the animal's prominent, large head. What type of animal is this?

    Answer: Turtle

  94. Functioning extremely differently than mammalian eyesight, two different groups of snakes developed "pits" that function as eyes by allowing them to see objects nearby based on what wavelength-based phenomenon?

    Answer: Infrared thermal radiation

  95. What semi-aquatic animal has the largest teeth of any living land mammal, with canines up to 2 feet long?

    Answer: hippopotamus

  96. What spooky type of crab is able to scare off potential predators by creating a growl via teeth located in their stomach?

    Answer: Ghost crab

  97. In a popular example of Batesian mimicry, the black, red, and yellow coloring of the harmless milk snake look strikingly similar to what "underwater" type of snake?

    Answer: Coral snake

  98. What “T” eight-legged segmented micro-animals can actually survive in the vacuum of space?

    Answer: Tardigrade

  99. What animal wins the prize as hairiest? They have the densest fur of all known mammals, with almost 100,000 hairs per square centimeter. Hint: We're looking for a two-word marine mammal here.

    Answer: Sea Otters

  100. Before 1837, the seal for the U.S. Postal Service featured Mercury, the Roman messenger of the gods. Since the 1970 Postal Reorganization Act, the organization has featured an eagle on the official seal. In the intervening 100+ years, what other animal was featured on the official postal seal?

    Answer: Horse

  101. There is a Panthera tigris tigris population in the Russian Far East and Northeast China (and possibly North Korea) that had a total wild population of ~560 as of 2014. By what name is this specific type of large cat better known? We're looking for a two-word answer.

    Answer: Siberian tiger

  102. What is the name of the tubular sucking organ that butterflies use to extract nectar from flowers and elephants have in the form of a trunk?

    Answer: Proboscis

  103. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi was an animal character created by Rudyard Kipling in his anthology "The Jungle Book." What type of animal is Rikki-Tikki-Tavi?

    Answer: Mongoose

  104. At only one-half of one millimeter long, tardigrades are considered a microanimal found in marine environments that also happen to be one of the most resilient animals known. What is the more common two-word name for these animals based on their resemblance to a certain land-bound animal?

    Answer: Water bear (or moss piglet)

  105. If bovine describes a cow and equine describes a horse, what adjective describes a pig?

    Answer: Porcine

  106. What is the national animal of Scotland? You will not find it in any taxonomy charts.

    Answer: Unicorn

  107. What Australian mammal is the only animal known to produce cube-shaped feces?

    Answer: Wombat

  108. Rotational symmetry is the property in which a shape looks the same after a partial rotation or turn. When applied to biology such as in sea anemones, what other "R" term is used to describe this characteristic?

    Answer: Radial symmetry

  109. Group names for animals are a common trivia fact since they can be so. . . peculiar. There's a cackle of hyenas, a pandemonium of parrots, and a conspiracy of lemurs. What is the legislative name for a group of owls?

    Answer: Parliament

  110. Also known as the spiny anteater, what animal native to Australia and New Guinea is highly unusual in that it is a mammal that lays eggs?

    Answer: Echidna

  111. In ecosystems, the way different animals eat each other can be represented in a chart. Different from a food chain, name this chart made up of all the food chains in an ecosystem.

    Answer: Food Web

  112. If you see an armadillo in the wild, no matter how cute it seems, don't touch it! Armadillos are one of the only North American mammals besides humans known to carry what disease, also known as Hansen's disease?

    Answer: Leprosy

  113. Units called ommatidia are the individual pieces that combine to create the type of eye often found in insects, crustaceans, and millipedes. What is this scientific-sounding name for an eye?

    Answer: Compound eye

  114. Aside from the giraffe, what odd-looking "O" creature is the only living member of the giraffe family, or “Giraffids”?

    Answer: Okapi

  115. The Delaware Bay is home to more of these "living fossils" than anywhere else in the world and they are currently used in biomedical research to study the human eye. What are these animals?

    Answer: Horseshoe Crabs

  116. What slender-bodied shark is harmless to humans and named for the striking pattern of black saddle-like markings and large spots over its back?

    Answer: Leopard shark

  117. The African grey variety of what tropical bird will selflessly help each other find food?

    Answer: Parrot

  118. Distinct from horns or antlers, "ossicones" is the name given to bony appendages on the heads of male okapi and what other animal, which is the closest living relative to the okapi?

    Answer: Giraffes

  119. Which term is used to describe the ability of certain animals (like sharks) to sense electrostatic fields around them?

    Answer: Electroreception

  120. Toolka is the indigenous Wemba Wemba name of the Cape Barren goose in the southern portion of what very southern island nation?

    Answer: Australia

  121. They outnumber us by three to one, but there's no need to be scared. With an estimated 24 billion individuals, what is the most common bird on the planet?

    Answer: Chicken

  122. What is the name for any of the three bird species in the genus Fratercula? These birds all feature black and white plumage, hunt most of their food by diving into the water, and have beaks that turn a colorful bright orange in preparation for breeding season.

    Answer: Puffin

  123. What is the "T" name given to fossils that consist not of animal body parts but rather their footprints, nests, poop, and other associated objects?

    Answer: Trace fossils

  124. The Indonesian Ayam Cemani breed of chicken, often called the most expensive chicken in the world, is specifically bred for its colouring. The feathers, beak, feet, and even meat of the Ayam Cemani chicken are what colour?

    Answer: Black

  125. Which bird species has the scientific name pica pica? The eating disorder pica - consisting of the consumption of inedible objects - also gets its name from this bird's large and indiscriminate appetite!

    Answer: Magpie

  126. What tube-like organ (generally more ball shaped on a human) makes up one to five percent of an owl's bodyweight, depending on species?

    Answer: The eye

  127. The impolite, unpleasant Katherina is referred to metaphorically by the name of a small mammal in the name of what Shakespeare play?

    Answer: The Taming of the Shrew

  128. Which African animal that feeds on ants and terminates has a name that derives from the Afrikaans meaning “earth pig?”

    Answer: Aardvark

  129. The kakapo is a species of large, ground-dwelling birds endemic to New Zealand. These birds are also commonly referred to by what two-word name which includes another bird's name?

    Answer: Owl parrot

  130. Neovison and Mustela are the two genuses of what territorial mammal lives near water and is rarely found more than 200 meters from a riverbank, lake, or marsh? The animal's fur is considered especially durable and valuable with its short, thick, soft hairs.

    Answer: Minks

  131. Found in spiders, as well as some species of butterfly and moth, a spinneret is an organ that is responsible for the production of which substance?

    Answer: Silk

  132. The genus Micrathene, a combination of the Greek word for small and the Goddess Athene, was introduced specifically for what is currently the world's smallest owl. Taking its name from a similarly small mythical humanlike being, which owl is the only one that belongs to the Micrathene genus?

    Answer: Elf Owl

  133. Aside from marine mammals, what is the only kind of mammal native to New Zealand?

    Answer: Bats

  134. What frequently-misnomered mammal has fingerprints so indistinguishable from humans that they have occasionally been wrongfully collected as evidence at crime scenes?

    Answer: Koalas

  135. What breed of terrier dog gets it name from the dividing line between England and Scotland, in the Cheviot Hills?

    Answer: Border Terrier

  136. What two-word herbivorous burrowing rodents of North America, of the family Sciuridae, are known to kiss, by what of touching their front teeth together?

    Answer: Prairie Dogs

  137. Found in South America, the northern pudu is the smallest species belonging to which mammalian family? Other South American species in this family include marsh, brocket and pampas.

    Answer: Deer

  138. The blue whale is the largest animal on the planet. What species of whale, named after a part of its body, is the second largest?

    Answer: Fin Whale

  139. Although plentiful when European settlers first arrived, the white-faced owl or whekau that was native to New Zealand was largely extinct by 1914. Because of its "mischievous-sounding" calls, the owl had what a common, comic name?

    Answer: Laughing owl

  140. They are "papillon" in French, "schmetterling" in German, and "farfalla" in Italian. What "lepidopteran" insect is responsible for the death of Paul Bäumer in the 1930 version of All Quiet on the Western Front?

    Answer: Butterfly

  141. Due to being classified as prey, and thus needing extra defensive abilities, sheep and goats' eyes have pupils of what shape?

    Answer: Rectangle

  142. Although the study of animal sex is still being actively researched, there's currently only one known demonstration of nasal sex in the animal kingdom, found in what type of Amazonian animal?

    Answer: Dolphin

  143. A 60-foot-long marine invertebrate made up of thousands of individual clones that together form a long, free-floating cylinder wide enough for a person to enter has what name that comes from the Greek words for fire and body?

    Answer: Giant Pyrosome

  144. Dating back to 3600 BCE in Persia, water-filled "bladder" mattresses were made from an oft-discarded organ of a particular domesticated animal. What is this animal?

    Answer: Goat

  145. What animal, related to the mongoose, is only found in the Madagascar Islands and is the main natural predator of the lemur?

    Answer: The Fossa

  146. Closely related to the llama, what is the name of the wild camelid native to South America whose young are called “chulengos?” The only other wild camelid native to South America is the vicuña.

    Answer: Guanaco

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